My Life of Lists

Watch. take note. learn.

My life of lists

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About life of lists

When we are intentional in observing the world around us, we can be taught a multitude of lessons about life. We learn to smile at the smallest things. We begin to value those things often overlooked. We appreciate more the things normally taken for granted. And by doing so, before we know it, the list of things at which we smile, value and appreciate begin to grow from a few to a lot. My hope is, by sharing with you "My Life of List", you begin to take a closer look at the things around you and pull up the life-altering and awe-inspiring lessons buried deep beneath what can be the monotony of life. For it is in those small things that the heart of humanity and life's secrets are discovered.

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About derrick

Born in the summer of 1981 in North Tulsa, Oklahoma, Derrick was raised by parents who simply wanted to love people. Whether those people were family or random neighborhood kids who needed clean clothes and a hot meal, giving love was their primary focus. In fact, Derrick's first memory as a child was of himself stumbling through a house packed full of people who were laughing, eating, drinking and enjoying each other's company. Every significant memory that follows has the same feel....loving on people.

Today, loving people has remained at the core of everything Derrick does. From his Bachelor's degree in Recreation Management to his Master's degree in Theology to his company, OMOS Team Building, which means One Mind One Spirit, Derrick sincerely believes and has spent his life proving "growing together is better".  



Workshops, Keynotes & Retreats

Derrick offers of variety of workshops, keynotes & retreats that are tailored to your organizations needs. My Life of Lists is full of lessons for all different types of organizations.


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My Life of Lists

An experience like nothing else
— Attendee